LiveSPInstallation Operating GuideDownload PDF
Installing : Advanced configuration : Extension of the platform through Advanced Services
Extension of the platform through Advanced Services
LiveSP allows for advanced customization to better fit the requirements of your specific platform and offer better services to your enterprise customers tenants.
These being highly sensitive changes, it requires Advanced Services from the LiveAction team: please contact them for more details and exposing your specific needs.
Here are a couple of applications of examples that can be accomplished through this service.
Additional topology types
For example, you may wish to allow groupings of customer sites around multiple SLA levels (Gold, Silver, Bronze), on a topology cluster type called “Site SLA class”.
Additional counters
For example, you may wish to calculate the load on Netflow-monitored interfaces in addition to the default load analysis with SNMP WAN links.
Provisioning mapping columns
For example, you may want to automatically feed additional topology types, or interface bandwidths, according to rules from patterns on interface ifDescription, or SNMP-discovered values.