Improvements in 24.3.0
The behavior of the AND and OR settings might have been a little ambiguous and the wording has been changed to make this clearer. Also, another match type has been added, “contains all”:
◦ Exact Match (formerly AND): The TCP flags field must contain only the specified TCP flags in the filter
◦ This the only option that can match against a TCP flags field that has no TCP flags set
◦ Contains Any (formerly OR): The TCP flags field contains any of the specified TCP flags in the filter
◦ If no TCP flags are specified in the filter, this filter matches everything
◦ Contains All (new): The TCP flags field contains all of the specified TCP flags in the filter, but could also contain additional flags.
◦ If no TCP flags are specified in the filter, this filter returns no matches

This change to the match type will make some of the LiveNX configuration files and alerts incompatible with previous versions.