LiveNX 21.1.0 Release Notes : New Features and Enhancements
New Features and Enhancements
Operations Dashboard
Added ability to filter by application group in topology and flow path analysis story
Added ability to filter by interface type (wan or xcon) in flow path analysis story
Updated flow based reports on Interface Entity page to filter by site and service provider (if available)
Updated Top WAN interface Utilization dashboard widget to allow time series
Added more flow fields to Flow Path Analysis story to improve status evaluation
Ported database management to Web
Added DN filter to Call by Number story
Alerting Enhancements
Added percent based threshold to Voice Traffic Classification and Marking alert
Updated flow path analysis drilldown from alerts to include flow type
Added device and site info to more alerts
Add access to list of LiveWire/LiveCapture devices for Peek cross launch in flow based alerts
Added new alert reports by alert type and application
Added ability to manage reports schedule by users that have been deleted
Added ability to drilldown to Tunnel SLA Class report from Site-to-Site Performance Over Time report
Added setting to allow reports to return more than 1000 rows of results via REST API
Custom Application Enhancements
Added support for DSCP values in custom application definition
Added description mapping for ServiceNow
Added support for a set of cEdge IPFIX fields
Added support for TimeTick data type in Custom OID configuration
Consolidated firewall and wireless flow types to basic flow for more consistent workflow and reporting
Updated calculation for Cisco MediaNet jitter value from clock cycle to time based
Added user edit log to track any changes user made in configuration, integration settings, reports ran and scheduled
Added new anomaly detection mechanisms based on SNMP QoS Class Bandwidth data for identifying anomalies for QoS Classes for an interface based on bandwidth and direction.
Added ability to filter by application group in summary and insights pages.
Cloud Monitoring
Added multi-account support for AWS
Updated Cloud Monitoring to use cm.conf for user defined parameters
Separated IPFIX fields for public src/dst and added firewall event IPFIX fields
Display LiveAdmin version information
Display appliance product version information
Added ability to power off the appliance
Add ability to factory reset the appliance